Web Marketing

As part of the website design process I always have marketing in mind. If you wish me to help market your site on the web I can provide a comprehensive service to help get your website found in search engines.

Get a website design quote for your e-commerce website or business web site, whether it's a new project or an existing site in need of a redesign...

The best way to tell you about my web sites is to simply give you the opportunity to view my work. I provide a comprehensive quote before embarking on any project and I guarantee to be within 10% of my estimate. I'm happy to quote any web design project whether dynamic or data base driven including E-Commerce websites.

Please browse through some examples of my web sites - you will find more examples of my work throughout this site and on my portfolio page or on my blog.

Get in touch!

I look forward to inquiries regarding website design and development in Nottingham, the UK and Europe

Chris Fickling Design on social media...


Some Recent Websites

I work with a wide range of clients across Nottingham, the East Midlands and further, to produce up-to-date, mobile and search engine friendly websites, that get results. Here are just a few of my recent websites...

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TK Watts Plumbing and Heating
TK Watts Plumbing and Heating

Category: Website Design | Construction

Aesthetics Now and Forever
Aesthetics Now and Forever

Category: Website Design | Aesthetics

Window Concepts
Window Concepts

Category: Website Design | Construction

AH Lancer Consulting
AH Lancer Consulting

Category: Website Design | Care Company

The Liquor Collective
The Liquor Collective

Category: Website Design | Bars


Category: Website Design | E-commerce

Westmoreland Supported Housing
Westmoreland Supported Housing

Category: Website Design | Society

Castle Gate Chambers
Castle Gate Chambers

Category: Website Design | Law

I build web websites to the latest standards as they become widely accepted and this is the first step to promoting your website. The next steps involve a combination of good hosting, well defined pages, frequent updates to your site and well thought out and utilised keywords within the text of your pages and good use of social media.

Very often when I'm asked to promote an existing web site, I would recommend a partial or full rebuild - the web is a living, changing entity and some sites, if not updated will simply disappear from search engine results.

Here's an excerpt from one of my website quotes which explains a little about my procedures.

"To help me develop your site why not carry out a search for the type of product or service you are offering and see how many results Google shows you - you will see what you are up against and it will also help us to establish the right key phrases to include in your own site. The web is very democratic – the more important your site is deemed to be the higher a ranking you will achieve.

I will use all means possible to make your site ‘more important’ than your competitors’ by using as many incoming links as I can. Each quality link from one page (or site) to another is classed as a vote for that site (or page). Search engines use a vast range of criteria to rank a site’s importance and this range is continually changing so any tools we have at our disposal we will try to use as efficiently as possible. Things you can do to help your site gain a better ranking could include the following:

Do a search on google as you would expect a potential client to do, during which you should look through the results and see where they are coming from. Some links will be from sites that are actually directories of categorised sites – some of these directories will give you a free listing whilst others will charge you a yearly fee to be included. It is up to you to decide how useful something like this would be but I believe it would be a good idea for your business to set aside a yearly budget for this kind of service especially as you are up against competition that already has an established web presence. I would be pleased to help you select the relevant directories but I can’t recommend or guarantee their success - sorry about that bit of a disclaimer but it is one of those areas where return on investment is hard to measure. What we would say is don’t put all your eggs in one basket but use the full range of marketing tools available."

Website Design Services

 Responsive Website Design

 Modx Website Design

 Content Management Systems

 User Interface (UI)

 Mobile Websites

 E Commerce Websites

 Catalogue Websites

 Web Development

Website Design Blog

New Website for AH Lancer Consulting
New Website for AH Lancer Consulting

By: Chris Fickling

A responsive and search engine friendly website built with the MODX content management framework.

New Website for TK Watts Plumbing and Heating
New Website for TK Watts Plumbing and Heating

By: Chris Fickling

Built with the popular and SEO-friendly MODX content management framework this website will bring in business for the client well into the future...

Starting a New Business This Year?
Starting a New Business This Year?

By: Chris Fickling

Free, clear and concise information to help you get your business off to a flying start...

Get in touch!

I look forward to inquiries regarding website design and development in Nottingham, the UK and Europe

Chris Fickling Design on social media...